Monday, July 20, 2015

WWPR: M4 version 2

Okay so I totally missed doing a 'weekly writing progress report' the last three weeks, but I am happy to report that as of July 10th, I am done with second draft edits and have sent some chapters to a few trusted critique friends. I've already received some responses and they have been extremely helpful and raised very insightful questions. My girls are so awesome and talented! Thank you!

Looking back, the second draft edits could have been done in one week instead of three as I had planned in this post. But life got busy and July has been one packed month, so it turned out okay. I am totally patting myself on the back though as I did two drafts in less than three months, though I did take a two and a half week break within that time frame:

April 19th through June 6th - Drafting
June 6th through 24th - Break
June 25th through July 10th - Read Through and Draft Two edits

Now that I've received comments from CP's, and still awaiting on some more, I'll have my work cut out for me in August when I sit myself down for another round of revisions!

Happy writing all!


  1. Wow--two drafts in less than three months is an incredible volume! Good job!

  2. Get it! ^_^ It's been awhile since I've put anything away that fast. Final edits are always do great. :D

  3. Dang, girl!
    Nothing is stopping you!

  4. Wow! That's awesome!!! Way to go on your writing and revisions!
